August 2024 update
Joanna Perry Joanna Perry

August 2024 update

From a new SVA Club at the University of Waikato to a crisis response operation in Wairoa, it’s been an eventful few months for SVA! We thought we’d share a few highlights with you here, including the publication of our FY 2023-24 Annual Report and a special thank you message to each and every person who has shown support to SVA in the last year.

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Youth Volunteer Week 2024
Joanna Perry Joanna Perry

Youth Volunteer Week 2024

Collectively, SVA volunteers logged over 9,000 hours during Youth Volunteer Week. Students at Epsom Girls’ Grammar contributed 845 hours; KingsWay School 408 hours; and Rangitoto College 312 hours. Students were awarded certificates by SVA in special assemblies in August.

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Volunteer pilot program spikes interest in students giving back
Joanna Perry Joanna Perry

Volunteer pilot program spikes interest in students giving back

The Volunteering SA&NT initiative, which is backed by $125,000 in State Government funding over two years, is a partnership with the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) New Zealand, which began following the Christchurch earthquakes in 2010, mobilising students to help with recovery efforts.

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Students pitch in for community
Joanna Perry Joanna Perry

Students pitch in for community

A group of Mountainview High School students are making soup for those in need. The school’s Student Volunteer Army (SVA) collaborated with Te Aitarakihi Mara Kai (community garden) to cook soup which was served out on Friday evening at the Timaru Port carpark.

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January 2024 update
SVA General SVA General

January 2024 update

As Auckland Anniversary weekend approaches, we’re reminded that this time last year, thousands of New Zealanders were going through the darkest time of their lives as the Auckland floods, followed closely by Cyclone Gabrielle, took their toll. We’d like to take this moment of reflection on the past year to say thank you for your support of SVA, whatever shape that took, in 2023. As a grassroots charity, SVA relies on the support of people like you to empower students to do good in their community. Thank you for everything you do for our next generation of volunteers.

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Research: The positive impact of volunteering on young peoples’ lives 
SVA General SVA General

Research: The positive impact of volunteering on young peoples’ lives 

The SVA Service Award is the SVA’s nationwide programme for advancing student volunteering, operating in 250 secondary schools throughout New Zealand. Since its inception in 2019, the programme has seen over 14 000 students involved. While it was clear to SVA that participation in the programme was benefitting young people, evidence had remained largely anecdotal. The overall aim of the research was to go beyond anecdotal evidence, and explore the actual impact of volunteering on a young person’s life, in particular in relation to confidence, resilience, wellbeing and work-readiness..

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Research: ‘Spontaneous’ volunteers? Factors enabling the Student Volunteer Army mobilisation following the Canterbury earthquakes, 2010–2011
SVA General SVA General

Research: ‘Spontaneous’ volunteers? Factors enabling the Student Volunteer Army mobilisation following the Canterbury earthquakes, 2010–2011

The physical earthquakes that shook the Canterbury region of New Zealand in 2010 and 2011 also sparked a ‘youthquake’. Students organised an estimated 24,000 volunteers to help clean up residents’ properties and neighbourhoods. Nearly a decade on, we want to find out about the long-term impacts of this action – for the students involved, for the people and organisations they engaged with, and for society and politics in New Zealand more generally.

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